Thursday, August 28, 2008

True Blue and Loving it....

Taylors new dig, she just can't waite for football season to start!!

We had another great year at Beaver Mountain Ski Lodge for the Pugmire family reunion. We were so happy that Andy was able to come home for it. We had a blast line dancing,making frames,playing go fish with the little ones,the jump house, the skit, bochy ball and of course just hanging out with all the cousins.

On Aug 6 all five of us girls left for Bear Lake for raspberry days and the Pugmire family reunion. This day just happened to be Jesi's 24th birthday. Our trip strated out with the adventures with the luggage rack. A huge thanks to Amanda and Ash for putting it on and making sure we didn't lose it on the way.

Once we got to Bear Lake we enjoyed a great Birthday lunch for Jesi. That night Amanda and Dani were invited to attend a reunion of past Bear Lake berry princess during this years pageant. Jesi joked around since her and Ash were only runner ups that they our now the princess in the family.

On Thursday night Dani and Amanda got to ride on a float with all the past princess, current princess and all the contestandts we were even lucky to be joined with our cousins Teressa and Chelsea. Once the parade was over it was off to the family reunion.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Players that attend the womans footbal clinic


So theirs no question that us girls bleed blue. Yes Andy that includes your wife. We all had another blast at the woman’s clinic at BYU. This year however we went on a tour to the press box, what an amazing view. Afterwards we had a Q&A with Bronco and some of the players. Then it was off to the field to do some drills. As you can see we ran into Dallas Reynolds and Bronco a few times. So with woman’s clinic said and done that only means fall camp is 1 day away. So has usual we will all being cheering loud for those men in blue. GO COUGARS