Sunday, June 29, 2008

Here are a few pictures of Andy and Amanda's wedding
on June 24, 08

Taylor and her Dad taking a nap together.

Jesi and Mark went to a baby blessing on Sunday and the church's
air conditioning was broke, need less to say the were dripping in sweat.
When they came home Jesi went to undress Taylor, but she had other plans and that was a nap on her mom's lap.

We finally were all together to get a picture of all of us.

Taylor's new habit

Reminising the good old times, grandma can always get us girls
laughing with her jokes!!

Nap time with Grandpa

Blue and White Game
Taylor's first time at
Lavell Edwards Stadium

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Easter 2008

The girls before the bowl game.
Grandma did a good job teaching us girls what
team to chear for.
True Blue Girls
We went to the BYU/Utah basketball game
And of course the cougars won!!!
Jesi, Mark and Dad ran the Spectrum 10K in St. George

Mom and Daughter
Jesi, Taylor, Aunt Dani and Aunt Ashlee

Taylor's great grandparents on her

blessing day,

Christmas 2007

We had a blast this year at the BYU Bowl game!!

BYU Womans Camp 2007

We had a blast at BYU football womans camp. We even got the tour with our favorite guy Brayn Kehl. We even got to meet Max Hall
